410-884-RIDE (7433)
Yes, it’s not your imagination, you probably really have been getting more emails and calls from the office!  Thank you for your patience and for responding and taking some extra rides when you can. It’s great to see this increase in our clients being out and about on the roads again. However, we are struggling to keep up with their needs between coming out of the pandemic with fewer drivers than we started, drivers catching up on long-deserved and postponed vacations, the usual June activities of graduation and weddings, and, of course, higher Covid numbers. So again, a heart-felt THANK YOU, for all the driving you have been doing. Starting this month the volunteer Ride Coordinators will keep the office open until 2:30 pm each weekday so that the last resort rides are available for a little longer into the afternoon. So, how you can help?
  • Check the last resort rides one last time in the afternoon
  • Please put yourself on vacation or update your schedule so it reflects your correct availability.
  • If you drive on Mondays, please try to accept rides by Friday afternoon to help out the Saturday RC’s.

Passenger Fare Increases 

After four-plus years and a through review, our rates will be adjusted effective July 1, 2022. As always, fees are determined by the one way distance, per Google Maps, between the pick-up location and the destination. If any client expresses concern over their ability to use Neighbor Ride due to financial constraints, please have them call Patrice or Andrew to see if they qualify for any subsidies. Fee Schedule - July 2022

New Corporate Donor Offers Discount for Volunteers

In addition to generously donating to support Neighbor Ride and the older adults we serve, Hillmuth Auto Care would like to thank YOU, our volunteers, by offering you Priority Service (In and Out) and 10% off of parts and labor on all major services (Max $50). Simply show your badge and mention the discount when you visit any one of Hillmuth Auto’s Howard County locations, including Clarksville, Columbia and Glenwood. Hillmuth Auto Care

New Ride Coordinators

  • We are happy to welcome Reggi Veatch as a new Friday Ride Coordinator
  • We are happy to welcome Harriet Pahn and John DePola back to the RC roster
  • These RCs are helping to expand our hours!!

Welcome New Volunteers

  • Ray Frappolli
  • Bahar Lakeh
  • Daniel Slattery
  • Valerie Slattery

COVID-19 Precaution Reminders

Neighbor Ride will continue to recommend that all drivers and clients continue to wear masks, regardless of vaccination status.   Newsletter Sponsored by: BWFA